Florida’s leading weight loss & hormone optimization clinic
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Patients should let their symptoms determine their decision making on hormone optimization. If you are feeling great and thriving, then you don’t need it. If you aren’t quite feeling your best and would like to get back the youthful vitality you once had, then you should consider it.

Hormone replacement therapy is very safe when performed and monitored correctly by educated medical professionals. As evidence-based medical providers, we are always staying abreast of the research, which indicates HRT is safe and beneficial.

Yes, hormonal imbalance can happen to both men and women of all ages. Most commonly men start to notice these changes around the age of 40 and women around the time they begin menopause.

Hormonal imbalance can manifest in a myriad of ways, so ultimately it depends on the patient and their unique circumstances. The most common things we see are low energy, low sex drive, brain fog, body fat gain, hot flashes, night sweats, poor sleep, anxiety, dry skin, intolerance to cold, decreased muscle mass, and depression.

According to most laboratories, a range between 250 – 1100 ng/dl for men and 6 – 82 ng/dl for women  is considered “normal.” At the Institute of Vitality we don’t strive to be just “normal” for our age, we strive to be OPTIMAL. This could mean a lot of different things for different people because one man may feel optimal at 700 and another may feel optimal at 1000, likewise a female could feel her best at 82 and another at 42. We are not cookie cutter individuals and nor should we be treated as such. Our physicians come up with tailored protocols specific to each person’s needs.