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How long does it take to see results from HRT?

Usually results can be seen within the first 4-6 weeks, but may take longer in some individuals. This is also dependent on the patient’s lifestyle habits that contribute to their health and well-being.

Is HRT suitable for everyone experiencing hormone-related symptoms?

This can only be determined by a qualified Physician, Physician Assistant, or Nurse Practitioner with a comprehensive history and physical examination.

Is hormone optimization covered by insurance?

No, we do not work with insurance companies or receive any sort of third party reimbursement. All of our services are out-of-pocket. We offer some of the most competitive prices in the industry.

At what age should one consider hormone optimization?

Patients should let their symptoms determine their decision making on hormone optimization. If you are feeling great and thriving, then you don’t need it. If you aren’t quite feeling your best and would like to get back the youthful vitality you once had, then you should consider it.

Is hormone replacement therapy (HRT) safe?

Hormone replacement therapy is very safe when performed and monitored correctly by educated medical professionals. As evidence-based medical providers, we are always staying abreast of the research, which indicates HRT is safe and beneficial.

Can hormonal imbalance occur in both men and women?

Yes, hormonal imbalance can happen to both men and women of all ages. Most commonly men start to notice these changes around the age of 40 and women around the time they begin menopause.

What are the signs of hormonal imbalance?

Hormonal imbalance can manifest in a myriad of ways, so ultimately it depends on the patient and their unique circumstances. The most common things we see are low energy, low sex drive, brain fog, body fat gain, hot flashes, night sweats, poor sleep, anxiety, dry skin, intolerance to cold, decreased muscle mass, and depression.